As a result of EIOPA’s Recommendation 9 requirements, there are specific Lloyd’s Broker codes which need to be used when placing Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A. (Lloyd’s Europe) Impacted Business (see definition below) effective from 1st of January 2021. As the Lloyd’s Broker code is a component of the UMR, operational challenges could arise with regards to the generation of UMRs and the downstream processing.
The key challenge is how UMRs should be generated on a single MRC that contains both impacted and non-impacted business. This bulletin describes two solutions:
If the Lloyd’s Broker code with the appropriate IDD authorisation for impacted business (from an EIOPA / Recommendation 9 perspective) can be used for the entire MRC (i.e. for the non-impacted part of the MRC as well), that single Lloyd’s Broker code can be used and the UMR would be reflective of that single Lloyd’s Broker code.
If more than one Lloyd’s Broker code has to be used, a main Lloyd’s Broker code should be selected and the UMR should be reflective of that main Lloyd’s Broker code. Any additional Lloyd’s Broker codes should be clearly recorded in the body of the MRC, but they should not be used to generate additional UMRs. That single UMR containing the main Lloyd’s Broker code would then be used on all relevant systems and processes such as SDC, DXC Processing, BAR/DCOM, DDM etc.
These two solutions are presented in more detail further below in this bulletin; more specifically they are referred to as Scenario 3, options A and B under the MRC and UMR Guidance section of this bulletin. These two solutions allow the processing of both impacted and non-impacted business under a single MRC. Splitting the risk in multiple MRCs can still be used as an option, as described under Scenario 3, option C of the same section. For more information on all scenarios and options, as well for further background information on EIOPAs’ Recommendation 9, please continue reading the full bulletin.
The options presented in this bulletin do not constitute a mandate and the preferred option can be chosen on an MRC by MRC basis when they are drafted. The intention is to provide operational guidance to facilitate the processing of Lloyd’s Europe business.