Germany complaints handling

Definition of a complaint

A statement of dissatisfaction expressed by any person in relation to an insurance undertaking with regard to the insurance contract or any service offered to such a person. Complaints addressed to insurance undertakings containing a reference to an intermediary are also included herein. The handling of complaints is to be distinguished from claims handling, as well as from a simple request to fulfil the contract or to provide information or clarification

Definition of a complainant

A person who is presumed to be entitled to have a complaint investigated by an insurance undertaking and has already lodged a complaint, e.g., a proposer, a policyholder, an insured, a beneficiary, an injured third party. 


A prompt acknowledgement, and no longer than 5 (five) business days of the complaint being made, in writing.

A final response to be provided within 6 (six) weeks of receipt of the complaint.

When an answer cannot be provided within the expected time limits, the insurer will inform the complainant in an appropriate manner about the causes of the delay and indicate when the investigations will be likely concluded.

External Dispute Resolution

For business written on a Freedom of Establishment and Freedom of Services basis

Insurance Ombudsman

Postfach 080632

10006 Berlin


If the complainant is a consumer or in a consumer-like position and the complaint does not relate to private health insurance and nursing care insurance and the value of the complaint is EUR 100,000 or less the complaints can be referred to the Insurance Ombudsman.

Useful documents